Saturday 2 February 2013


Set Shaklee Langsing Badan
Setiap wanita dan lelaki mengidamkan tubuh yang sihat, langsing dan rapi.

Dengan Set Shaklee Shape-Up, anda dapat menikmati hidup baru yang hebat dengan menghilangkan lemak berlebihan.

  • Badan yang langsing dan rapi
  • Nampak lebih anggun
  • Rasa unggul
  • Rasa lebih bertenaga
  • Meningkatkan keyakinan diri
  • Meningkatkan kesihatan secara menyeluruh

Cara Makan:
  • Pagi - Skip sarapan, minum Cinch Shake 1-2 Sudu, lecithin x 2 capsules, dengan ini dapat tahan lapar dan membekalkan khasiat yang sempurna
  • Petang - Makan macam biasa, kurangkan makanan berkalori tinggi seperti nasi lemak, ayam goreng, minuman manis. Bancur satu sachet Cinch Tea Mix dengan air biasa/air suam, lecithin x 2
  • Malam - Avoid heavy food seperti nasi dan daging yang berlebihan, pilih sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan ATAU minum Cinch Shake sekali lagi, lecithin x 2
  • Sebelum Tidur - 3 Tablets Herb-Lax, lepas satu minggu, boleh selang satu hari.

  • Cinch Shake Mix(765 Grams)
  • Cinch Energy Tea Mix(28 Sachets)
  • Lecithin (180 Capsules)
  • Herb-Lax (120 Tablets) 
SMS/Whatsapp 016-6661370 untuk harga^^


Testimoni #1

I started using Shaklee’s Cinch® inch-loss program almost on a whim, with hopes that it would work, but accepting that, regardless of the outcome, I’d still love myself.
That attitude is, in part, why I think I was able to stick with Cinch. I didn’t start in a moment of desperation. I didn’t start it wanting to get into a bikini. I was just hoping to get healthier and break my habit of eating too much convenience food. So I was determined to be thankful for the opportunity, regardless of the outcome.

The outcome, thus far, is a 40.5-pound(~18KG) weight loss and a total loss of 22 inches in five months.* And I am amazed.

Testimoni #2

When I first started the challenge and I started seeing the pounds drop, I was so excited and so proud of myself! Since giving birth to my five children I was starting to feel good about my body. I knew I still had work to do, but I was starting to see results! I really must thank the other bloggers for their motivation and cheering, as they have all been instrumental in helping each other out. And Sommer, our mentor, is the best! (I have to throw that out there because she is always here for us when we need her and I swear she never sleeps!)
So where am I today? In 4½ months I am 25 pounds(~11KG) lighter*, have lost over 28 inches, and feel amazing! I am so much more confident and have so much energy!
The Shaklee Cinch diet has been more than a diet for me, it has truly changed my life.

Testimoni #3

Well, another month has flown by and I’m here to update you on my progress. I’ve lost 14 pounds(~16KG) and 21.38 inches since I started, and while I have a ways to go before reaching my 60 pound goal, I am motivated to keep going.

Testimoni #4

*I am down 4 pant sizes!!
*I can run up a flight or two of stairs and not feel as though I am having a near-death experience
*I am not as fatigued as I once was.  Tired isn't just a way of life, its the way of an unhealthy life
Thanks Shaklee for believing in me when no one else did.  Your confidence in me has been a life-changer!

Testimoni #5
Another success story dari malaysia

Adakah ANDA memerlukan Cinch Loss Plan?
Check it out dengan BMI Calculator di bawah

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